News, Secondaria

Inglesiadi 2020 – Una nostra studentessa tra le top 5

Saturday 4th April 2020 the Final Competition was held for the INGLESIADI 2020 – English Olympics organized by EF (Education First Italia).
Students of our Institute’s Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado took part in this competition, putting into practice their language skills with those of other classes and schools throughout all of Italy.
One of our students in Terza Media, Vishara Jose, has been classified among the first five at the national level, after having passed the first round and the regionals.
The Finals were to be held in Milan, but for the health emergency still going on, they were held via the ZOOM platform.
The finalists chosen challenged each other with a discussion in English highlighting the excellences of their respective region, and examined by a jury of EF Education First experts, having determined the best, the final prize would be assigned, a scholarship (borsa di studio) allowing the winner to leave free of charge for an overseas study holiday (viaggio studio all’estero).
For Vishara the challenge was rather hard since all the finalists were at an advanced level. She did not manage to take the first prize from her opponent, a girl attending a Fifth Liceo in Milan, thus arriving in second place, but the jury had been enchanted with her determination and her smile. She received excellent evaluations for her academic preparation as well as her presentation, so much as
the jury decided to award her with a prize for Best Junior Student.
All of us in the Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado are proud of Vishara for this achievement.

Prof. Alessio Cammarone
English teacher